
Friday, December 15 th 2023 – UNESCO Chair Salerno at III International Workshop PAPRIKANET “Plant Active Products: Research, Innovation and Knowledge Advancement through an International Network”- A lecture of Giovanni Canora

Giovanni Canora, co-founder of the Salerno UNESCO Chair, shall present aninteresting contribution on the Ethnobotanical Conservatory at the III International WorkshopPAPRIKANET.Ethnobotanical Conservatory is a partner of Salerno UNESCO Chair and […]

2023 July 20th – Launch of the platform for UNESCO Science related Chairs and Centres from South East Europe – UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe

UNESCO Chair Salerno joined the online livestreaming event organized by UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe – Science Unit. Following the First Regional Meeting of Science-related UNESCO Chairs and […]

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