2024 October 24-25 “Salerno Medical School – Relevance of an Ancient Science” workshop co-organized by the UNESCO Chair Salerno.

On October 24th -25th you are welcomed to the workshop “Salerno Medical School – Relevance of an Ancient Science”.
Our P.I., Prof. Alain Touwaide, will lecture on “History of the Ancient Medicine. For a Revision of the Storytelling”; our Chair Holder, Prof. Rita P. Aquino, will give a talk on “Salerno UNESCO Chair Plantae
Medicinales Mediterraneae, research between traditions and futur
The UNESCO Chair Salerno is happy to support the event with Althea Interdepartmental Research, Dept. of Cultural Heritage Sciences (DISPAC), Dept. of Pharmacy (DIFARMA), Dept. of Informatics (DI), Dept. Of Medicine –
University of Salerno – in partnership with Fondazione Scuola Medica Salernitana – CIRPS (Interuniversity Research Centre for Sustainable Development) – Fondazione Ebris (European Biomedical Research Institute of Salerno).
The UNESCO Chair Salerno is pleased to share the event with you.

Link:https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/ 19%3akNY47ukBS0Ej4coBxQEY6PgHL2WpIa9b3t7dVdqOrD41%40thread.tacv2/ 1652272776191?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22c30767db-3dda-4dd4-8a4d- 097d22cb99d3%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22563d3cc3-5a41-4930-82a2- 2326c48416f5%22%7d

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